Nicolas Mattelaer

Personal webpage

People often ask me what this shield is (or if I want to be fancy, this escutcheon). And why it says "A.I. Met Raet".
First of all, no, it's not A.I., it's Al.
Second of all, it's an anagram for my family name, "Mattelaer".
I didn't come up with it. It was made by poet Joost Mattelaer, ca 1687, and it means "All who are wise" (I am veri smart, I know 😎). The escutcheon on the other hand, was worn by Henric van Mattelaer, ca. 1375.
I think it's quite cool, or if I dare say, respectably "poggers" to have my family name be engraved in this title and logo dating back to the middle ages. That's why I thought it would make for a nice addition to my website :)

Why should I care?

Good question! You don't. I have wasted your time with even more unnecessary information on this website.