Nicolas Mattelaer

Personal webpage

Professional Profile

A master student in software engineering specializing in language design, implementation and application at the SOFT lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Technological Experiences

Web Design

HTML • CSS • JavaScript • React • Vue • Elm • Meteor • JQuery

Android App Development

Java • Kotlin


MySQL • PostgreSQL • SQLite • MongoDB

System Administration

Linux • Docker • Kubernetes

Other Languages

Scala • Haskell • Prolog • LISP • C • Python • Ruby • Lua • C++


Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • GIMP • Inkscape • Movie Studio Platinum • LaTeX • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Powerpoint • LibreOffice

Other skills

  • Fundamental knowledge on various language concepts, including imperative, object-oriented, functional, logical, reactive, and mobile programming paradigms
  • Fundamental knowledge on the inner workings of language interpreters
  • Ability to reason about code and algorithmic concepts

Curriculum Vitae

Nicolas Mattelaer

Software Engineer

+32 476614152

Zevenbunderweg 52
3191 Schiplaken

Educational history

High School Diploma in Sciences and Natural Languages at Don Bosco Haacht


I have gained my high school diploma in the education of sciences and natural languages

Academic Bachelor of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel


I have an academic bachelor in computer science, covering the basics of computational theory, related mathematics, algorithms and data structures, language design, A.I., and web technologies

Master of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel


I finished my masters of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, which took two years. I followed the software engineering specialisation at the Software Languages Lab (SOFT). This specialisation covers the programming languages, development tools and abstraction & composition mechanisms that are needed for building large-scale applications. More details can be found here:

Prior Work Experience

Student Job Cashier at Delhaize Supermarkets


Student Job Shelf Stacking at Carrefour Supermarkets


Member of the Informatics Club at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel


I am currently a member of the Infogroep at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a student club for computer scientist that organises lectures and seminars on computer science related topics, as well as large events such as a job fair, a LAN-party, and a "capture-the-flag" cybersecurity challenge. I have been president of the club during the 2020-2021 academic year in which I was in charge of contacting companies for organising joint ventures and representing the club to the Informatics department and the university as a whole. Infogroep also has internal projects, some of which I was in charge for. One of the projects included a cash desk and bookkeeping system written in React and Python (later Ruby on Rails). Furthermore, I have co-organised our yearly Capture the Flag for which I created several challenges.

Student job IT assistant at Oh my People (formerly Huis voor Veerkracht)


As a student job during my last year of studies, I worked at a psychological institute as an IT assistant. My job was to operate the infrastructure of the business; working with their webtools and testing its new version, managing their database, and giving general guidance. I worked for them for five months.

Junior Software Engineer at Klarrio

2022 - now

My first real job is at Klarrio in Antwerp, where I work as a junior software engineer working with a multitude of undisclosed techonologies.

Language Experience

DutchMother Tongue
GermanLess than moderate